Apex Reception Counter
The Apex Reception Counter is a white melamine counter with a feature panel available in 2 different colours.
It’s available in 3 different sizes.
There is also a full modesty return available in white.
The Apex Reception Counter features 25mm work surfaces with 25mm end and modesty panels. Note: the feature panel is smaller on the 1500W reception counter than it is on the wider ones.
Colours Available:
- White with Blackline Wood Feature Panel
- White with Tawny Line Feature Panel
Sizes Available:
- 1500W x 750D x 1100H (NRC015W)
- 1800W x 750D x 1100H (NRC018W)
- 2100W x 750D x 1100H (NRC021W)
- Return – 900W x 600D x 1100H (NRC-R)
3 Year Warranty
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